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Check the output of the .g function

Check the output of the .g function


check_g(.c, columns = c("ops_number", "function"))

check_g(.c, columns = c("ops_number", "function"))



A chronicle object.


Columns to select for the output. Defaults to c("ops_number", "function").


A data.frame with the selected columns and column "g".

A data.frame with the selected columns and column "g".


.g is an option argument to the record() function. Providing this optional function allows you, at each step of a pipeline, to monitor interesting characteristics of the value object. See the package's Readme file for an example with data frames.

.g is an option argument to the record() function. Providing this optional function allows you, at each step of a pipeline, to monitor interesting characteristics of the value object. See the package's Readme file for an example with data frames.


r_subset <- record(subset, .g = dim)
result <- r_subset(mtcars, select = am)
#>   ops_number function     g
#> 1          1   subset 32, 1
r_subset <- record(subset, .g = dim)
result <- r_subset(mtcars, select = am)
#>   ops_number function     g
#> 1          1   subset 32, 1